Mines and Environment
Net Zero Perth Conference
22nd &23rd Aug 24
Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Perth
Mining, ESG, Energy
Climate Change

Despite the challenges posed by a saturated Energy and Critical Minerals month in August, the Mines and Environment Net Zero Perth Conference, held at the Ritz-Carlton on 22nd and 23rd August, was an outstanding success.
The event featured a diverse lineup of speakers and drew attendees from major organizations like BHP, Rio Tinto, Fortescue Metals, Mineral Resources, JBS&G, Western Power, and Local Councils. Many participants left better informed, connected, and educated.
Our goal to unite climate change leaders, sustainability managers, decarbonisation engineers, and energy and environmental representatives was fully achieved, fostering meaningful learning and collaboration on the journey to net zero.
We extend our Special thanks to the WA Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Action, Hon. Reece Whitby, and our sponsors, MCC Sustainable Future’s Gillian Goby and Nadia Aurisch and all Speakers who contributed to the success of the event
Please see below, video recap of the event as well as 3 brief interviews conducted with Jessica Pollock of Lavan,
Ryan Oostryck of MCC Sustainable Futures and Michael Buckley of Rio Tinto
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See below ; event recap video
See below ;
Brief Interviews with Jessica Pollock of Lavan, Ryan Oostryk of MCC Sustainable Futures and Michael Buckley of RIO Tinto

Keynote Speakers included;
Hon Reece Whitby - Western Australian Minister for Energy, Environment, Climate Action
Tim Bray (Assistant Coordinator, Strategic and Consumer Policy - Energy Policy WA) - Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety ) and;
Amandine Denis-Ryan : CEO of Institute of Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA)
We explored the future of sustainable mining at the Mines and Environment Net Zero Conference, which was focused on:
Climate Change
ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance)
This interdisciplinary event emphasized the importance of collaboration and collective action in driving change.
Delve into key topics shaping the industry, including:
Department of Energy Mines Industry Regulation and Safety approach with Traditional Owners and Industry to transform the Pilbara
Natural Capital Accounting in the Australia's Mining Sector and Beenyup Site Pilot Case Study
The importance of nature to mining
The introduction of the Climate-Related Financial Disclosures Bill to Parliament
ESG risks in the supply chain
How mining could ignite Australia's green hydrogen boom
Opportunities and challenges for the Pilbara amid the accelerating steel technology transition
Insights into context-based sustainability for the mining sector
What’s stopping mining from becoming the new fossil fuels
Climate Change Risk Management - How to assess climate change risks, scenarios and business impacts
Decarbonisation and Net-Zero - Setting and implementing a Roadmap
The conference featured innovative solutions like:
Wetland in a Box, a smarter water treatment system
Driving the decarbonisation of steel making
The Global Atlas of Pumped Hydro Systems that repurpose existing mine sites

Previous Events - Mine Closure Conference 2024